Super Full Moon in Aquarius 11/12th August 2022. Liberation!

There is an exciting and urgent energy to this Full Moon as pressure builds from a Grand cross formation, that can culminate and find release at this Full Moon. These exciting energies are paving the way to liberation and freedom, setting us free from any self-limiting or external restraints.

New Moon in Leo, 28th July 2022. Your Star Power!

The New Moon in Leo is an exciting cosmic rare event, not only taking place on the same day as Jupiter in Aries stations retrograde and just before Mars, Uranus and the North node of Fate join together on the 1st August, but we are also within the Lion’s Gate portal that opens every year around July 26th. A powerful energy activated by Sirius, one of the brightest stars, reaching its peak on August 8th (8/8) and stays open until the middle of August.

New Moon in Cancer 28/29th June 2022. Follow Your heart.

The New Moon is a fresh new beginning, a time to let our hearts lead the way as the brave and pioneering Jupiter in Aries in a challenging aspect, encourages us to express and follow our true hearts desire and inner wisdom. There is an exuberant, adventurous energy to the New Moon as Jupiter in Aries fires up our desire to live true to our hearts and to put our own needs and desires first.

Summer Solstice, 21st June 2022. A Celebration of Light.

The Sun shines at its brightest, longest and most powerful on the day of the Summer Solstice. The first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky for the year. The days are longer than the nights and a time that throughout history has been a celebration of light, honoring the Sun, the giver of all life and represents a new phase of abundance. 

Super Full Moon in Sagittarius 14th June 2022. A Date with Destiny.

This Super Full Moon in Sagittarius is one of the brightest and largest Full Moons of the year, illuminating and lighting up our path ahead towards the magnetic pull of Venus conjunct the North Node of fate. We are being guided towards our destined path that contains tremendous possibilities to leap into new ways of being in our lives.