New Moon in Leo, 28th July 2022. Your Star Power!

New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees, 28th July 2022. Your Star Power!

The New Moon in Leo is an exciting cosmic rare event, not only taking place on the same day as Jupiter in Aries stations retrograde and just before Mars, Uranus and the North node of Fate join together on the 1st August, but we are also within the Lion’s Gate portal that opens every year around July 26th. A powerful energy activated by Sirius, one of the brightest stars, reaching its peak on August 8th (8/8) and stays open until the middle of August.

Your Star Power is being activated. You are a shining star, surround yourself with people who support you to shine in your brilliance and not with those who dim your light.

This combination creates a time that contains tremendous possibility to leap into new ways of being in our lives. It is a zero-point of potential – a time out of time – with unknown wild-card outcomes and permutations of reality waiting to be seized.

New Moons are a time for rebirth. The Lion’s Gate energy aligns with the heart center. Its a re-birthing of the Leo qualities within us. Ones of courage, joy, creative expression and sovereignty. Dare to put yourself in the spotlight.

This period marks an immensely significant time that is positive in so many ways, as Jupiter in a positive aspect to the New Moon is extra powerful, because a planet that stations has concentrated energy that we can harness to make positive breakthroughs.

Our quality of life can dramatically improve, as well as developing our sense of self, self-will, personal power and feeling proud of who we are. This is heart-opening energy.

The Sun and Moon, conjoined in Leo are urging us to explore our hearts and brings warmth and light, We will be infused with the qualities of the fire sign of Leo which is, forceful, magnetic, generous, impulsive and has a strong and ardent desire to be loved and to give love.

Leo is moved through the heart rather than through reason. Like the lion, Leo is commanding, resolute, courageous, and high-spirited, sometimes boastfully asserting his superiority. Leo’s warmth and kindness are of the type which a good king has towards his subjects.

The spotlight is now focused on those areas of our lives that need more abundance, success, happiness and joy. This is a cosmic green light to enjoy the good life, to be creative, joyful and have fun, like the internal inner child within us, that Leo represents.

Believe in yourself and in your infinite Star Power and potential.

Another major feature of the New Moon, is that Mercury in Leo makes a tense aspect to Mars, Uranus and the North node, encouraging us to stand up for what we believe in.

This can signalise that we are faced with making an important decision that has a dramatic effect on our lives.

A decision that can help to unchain our hearts.

A karmic turning point that can help to crown our hopes, dreams and plans with success.

It’s a time where we may be faced with releasing whatever isn’t serving our highest and best evolution. Whether that’s toxic relationships, outdated ways of thinking, or self-sabotaging behavior.

A reinvention point. The time is now.

Events that happen between now and the end of August can feel destined and karmic as Mars, Uranus and the north node of destiny align together. We can feel as if we are driven by forces that seem beyond our control.

Suddenly becoming aware of our great reservoirs of talent that are just within reach. Awakening the feeling of our special purpose in life, our passions, desires and lust for life. A chance to be elevated into a higher realm on a spiritual and materialistic level, dramatically improving our well being and quality of life.

We can feel compelled to almost throw ourselves headfirst into anything that awakens our passions and desires. Like an irresistible pull from a potent magnet.

Discovering our long-buried passions and desires, that may be buried under layers of fear, apathy and self-delusion and igniting the passion of our souls once again.

Peeling back the layers to reveal your truest self.

We are striking gold, finding the treasure trove buried deep within our hearts.

The Leo New Moon together with Mars, Uranus and the North Node can feel like a revolutionary awakening, igniting a real lust for life, with a real need for authenticity and breaking free. There can be an impulsive feeling of wanting to make up for lost time and needing to take action now.

The tense energy of Mars and Uranus gives great initiative and pushes us to take action and embrace change. A lack of taking action and resistance could result in feeling unsettled as well as irritability. 

What areas of your life have you put on hold for far too long?

There is a real drive to make any necessary changes needed so we can achieve our heart’s desire.

Stay open to what ever opportunities may come your way this month and go with it. Go with everything that excites your soul, even throwing caution to the wind. It could be the beginning of something wonderful. There is so much potential for magical, wonderful surprises this month.

We are finally turning the corner and entering a new paradigm. Raising our consciousness and vibration, with the power of love.

“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”— Marianne Williamson

Article by Vivienne Micallef-Browne 

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