Jupiter in Aries, 10th May 2022. Fearless New Beginnings!

Jupiter in Aries, 10th May 2022. Fearless New Beginnings!

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and larger than life, full of optimism, hope and the bringer of good fortune. He expands everything he touches and after twelve years makes a big and bold entrance into the fire sign of Aries on the 10th of May 2022.

Aries, a fire sign embodies the fearless Warrior and is pioneering, courageous, impulsive and dynamic. It’s a dynamic shift of energy as after five months Jupiter leaves the sign of Pisces, a time that has expanded our emotional, spiritual and creative energy, bringing expansion, joy and divine luck in those areas of our lives.

Jupiter in Aries is about to take our lives to the next level, dynamic action will replace the dreamy and some what passive energy of Pisces, helping to turn our dreams not just into reality but turning them into a great success. Life will start to move forward at greater speed, giving us greater drive and energy, especially when Mars enters Aries on the 25th May for a six week period. 

If you have been lacking drive and a sense of direction, that’s all about to change now.

Those things that you have been putting of for ages, will suddenly be so much easier to complete. We will be infused with a well-needed dynamic impetus of get up and go and more motivation and enthusiasm. 

You will have more courage, passion, optimism and self-confidence, helping you to gain popularity and recognition, improving every area of your life. There never was a better time to manifest your creativity and power of attraction.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and now at the supercharged point of 0 degrees, it represents a new 12 year cycle, a rebirth and bright new beginnings. The 0 degree Point is known to be a supercharged, critical degree in astrology, its a reboot that initiates a new and important cycle. 

The Zero point is where everything is available for manifestation and nothing is impossible. All possibilities exist at once. Its a powerful time to get clear about your intentions.

We can attract now, what we seek.

When we harness and give this energy focused direction, we can make real progress, have renewed optimism and perhaps most importantly of all, faith and belief in our potential to set and reach our goals.

Any feelings of lack of self-esteem, self- love, fear or doubt will be replaced by a renewed faith and belief within ourselves and our capabilities to take destiny into our own hands and to create the future we desire.

Jupiter in Aries dynamic energy will be working for us until the 28th October and then again from the 20th December until the 17th May 2023 during which time we can make great headway, ultimately crowning our efforts with Success. Jupiter in Pisces last visit for the next 12 years will be between the 28th October and 20th December 2022, helping to bring a long hoped for emotional, creative or spiritual breakthrough.

Jupiter in Aries enhances the chance of bringing fortune and good luck our way at the right time in the right place. Prosperity is easier to achieve as risks that you have taken in the past can pay off now.

Jupiter´s energy will pick up at maximum momentum after the 2nd of June when Mercury in Gemini is no longer in retrograde. (From the 10th May to 2nd June) helping us to make a major breakthrough.

Jupiter is amplifying Aries Passionate nature, rekindling our passion for life and love. Passion is the fuel of the soul and the source of our sense of meaning, purpose, and happiness. There will be a greater desire to follow your passion.

It’s time to find your passion, as well as pouring passion into everything you do.

Material, spiritual, creative abundance or taking steps to procure it is available to us, especially if we are aware of what we have to give.

When you step outside your comfort zone for your higher purpose, the Universe supports you in every way. We can now put ideas and plans into motion with confidence. We will find support for our ventures and a wealth of hidden resources, with the potential to attract good luck and promising opportunities to expand our projects, gaining more power and influence.

Pushing the limits is easier now, and you can extend your influence much farther than ever before. When you know your destination, we can demonstrate an unwavering determination to arrive there.

This period can reawaken your faith in the best that life and you have to offer.

Jupiter in Aries inspires us to find our hidden talents, our hidden potentials, and our hidden purpose. Manifesting our talents to benefit ourselves and others. There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling when you start walking in the gifts and talents you have been given.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

In the sign of Aries, we will be more focused on our own needs and how to get them met, as Aries teaches us how a healthy ego and self-love must be at the core of all things, as this is the Hero’s journey. 

Courageously pioneering the way ahead, with fresh new beginnings and a renewed lust for life. We will feel a need to speak our truth and have a desire for more excitement, freedom, independence and adventure. Issues may arise about how we can integrate those needs into our relationship. 

We can use these energies as a catalyst to initiate change and expansion in our lives.It’s time to take action and speak your mind with passion. Jupiter in Aries will help you to assert your leadership and entrepreneur qualities, to take charge instead of being passive. Pioneering and daring, you no longer have to wait for permission or validation from others.

Aries is all about fire and igniting the passion in our soul. Aries is impulsive; self-assured and uninhibited. We will feel deeply impassioned about what we love, what we desire, what we want and don’t want. 

We can rediscover excitement in our lives. What excites and motivates you?

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit”-Rumi

Nothing can stop you now from reaching your dreams. We have a real sense now of the infinite possibilities and new horizons that lie ahead of us. Aries symbolizes the quest to express individuality, to assert willpower, and to create vitality for initiating new cycles of experience. 

Aries is the leader, who has a healthy sense of ego and knows what he wants. Any changes that we have been resisting out of fear or because we were putting others first, worrying what others may think while trying to fulfill their idea of how we should be, will no longer have power over us.

Once you find your passionate interest and give yourself permission to pursue it, there is much potential for brilliance…Even genius. Finally enabling you to take the needed steps to put your new life into action.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”Martha Graham

Its time to loose your fear and take that leap of faith.

Fear is the opposite of faith, but they both require that you believe in something that you have not seen. Which one will you choose? Turning adversity into strength, dreams into reality, fear into faith, it’s time to blaze a trail ahead and shine our light to others, helping them to see their way through the darkness.

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them”Bruce Lee

Jupiter in Aries important dates:

  • Mars, Moon, Jupiter conjunct in Aries: May 25th 2022
  • Jupiter Re-Enters Pisces (29º′): October 28th 2022 until December 20th 2022
  • Jupiter back into Aries (0º00′): December 20th 2022 until May 17th 2023
  • Jupiter into Taurus (0º00′): May 17th 2023 

Vivienne Micallef-Browne. Photo by Empower Astrology.

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