Solar Eclipse in Taurus 30th April 2022. The Power of Creation.

Solar Eclipse in Taurus 30th April 2022 at 10 degrees. The Power of Creation.

The Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjoined to the revolutionary planet of Uranus, is a powerful creative force and catalyst that is both exciting and magical as Venus and Jupiter in Pisces are exactly aligned together, a combination that can bring unexpected events into our lives that create more love, success and abundance helping us to manifest our hearts desire into reality.

Eclipses are doorways, quantum choice points. It contains the tremendous possibility to leap into new ways of being in our lives and are the most powerful transits that you can experience. They herald major beginnings and endings, burning and purifying.

Uranus is the great Awakener and will be shaking and waking us up, putting new perspectives and flashes of insights into all Venus-ruled areas of love, harmony, beauty, creativity and finance.

Revolutionizing our perceptive on the way we love, work and play, so that we can enjoy a better quality of life by finding simpler solutions that will help us to live a life that is less stressful, living a life more in tune with the natural rhythms of life and nature that Taurus represents. You may experience a sudden epiphany as to how you can adjust your work and life style to one that brings you greater abundance, joy and peace. 

The Solar Eclipse close to the North Node of fate in Taurus is indeed a quantum leap towards finding more harmony, within and without in our lives as we move away from the struggle and drama of the South Node in Scorpio. 

Try to consciously let go of resistance and stay open to the gifts of Jupiter and Venus in Pisces at this Eclipse that bring the possibility of unlimited growth, opportunities, optimism, more inner peace, romance and boundless love.

“I felt lit up, as if someone had reached into my heart and flipped an inner switch, turning me on, brighter.”–Aspen Matis

Eclipses come in pairs and between now and the second Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 15th of May you may be presented with new possibilities, choices and opportunities whether in work, life or love. 

A decision that needs to be made signified by Mercury in Gemini at 0 degrees will become clearer at the Lunar Eclipse as the story is still unfolding until then, when we will be able to see the bigger picture and in particular gain more emotional clarity.

Uranus conjunct the Eclipse is an exciting wild card and has the potential to stop you in your tracks and take you by surprise. This energy is unpredictable and we can have a sudden, inexplicable urge to break out and do something adventurous, daring and different.

Expect the unexpected from yourself and others.

There is an urge to break through any restraints from within or without that have been holding us back from freedom. Now is the time for change

Its time to express the infinitely magnificent being that you are, that can never be put in a box, category, or kept small to simply live up to other people’s expectations. Uranus together with the Eclipse reminds us that we are here to grow and evolve beyond all limitations within and without. And that true freedom starts from within.

We may be experiencing sleepless nights now, irritability and feelings of restlessness as the energy and tension has been building for a few days now. It’s time to do something extraordinary and break away from routine and channel the energy in a positive way. Fall back in love with life, love and yourself once again.

The combination of Venus and Jupiter in Pisces still close to Neptune is pure magic and we can double our joy and good luck in exactly those areas of life that need it the most, especially though on an emotional level, where we can find more joy, faith, trust and peace within, especially through creativity and spirituality.

Jupiter in Pisces will help us to shine confidently and brightly, it will be easier to express our true emotions, helping you to gain recognition and your hearts desire. There never was a better time to manifest your creativity and power of attraction.

Jupiter and Venus in Pisces offers us an opportunity to make more room in our lives and our hearts for more love, abundance and joy and will be working strongly until the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th May when Jupiter will enter the sign of Aries, helping everything to flow effortlessly together to help  materialize your plans and make dreams come true. Jupiter in Pisces can bring divine luck seemingly out of the blue. 

It’s time to spread and receive love, in every corner of your life and soul that has been kept in darkness.

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier”-Mother Theresa

It’s a date with destiny.

The Solar Eclipse and the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is a fated, karmic combination. Synchronicities will be strong and magical, inspiring and karmic people and potential new loves can enter our lives, events that happen now have the potential to change the course of your life. There may be a strong desire to connect with a soul mate and soul groups, who operate on a similar vibration.

Existing relationships can benefit from a magical, romantic and forgiving energy, upgrading all relationships to the next higher level. Releasing and healing relationships, addictions and delusions will be easier to do now, that are no longer serving our highest purpose and good. Enabling us to live from our true authentic self, from a deep soul level. Trusting and moving away from fear. Deep healing will be available to us.

“All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love.”— Leo Tolstoy

This is heart opening energy and has the power to melt the protective walls around our hearts to let love and compassion in and heal and let go of the past.

Its time to be true to our hearts and to let go of all that has been blocking our path to true joy and love, as Saturn in Aquarius in a tense aspect to the north node of fate in Taurus means that we are at a karmic turning point, a time of radical self-love and reinvention and to break out of any toxic situation that makes you unhappy or frustrated.

Its all about you now, actively co-creating your heart’s desire and the life that is right for you. Self-love and self-care are now a top priority. A complete shift in energy, that we will begin to feel more and more in the coming weeks.

It’s time now to simplify our lives and make our lives less complicated, leaving more room for joy and creativity.

Taurus represents our security, values, wealth, abundance and mother nature. Uranus in the sign of Taurus is shaking up our once firmly held beliefs in these areas. True wealth is to be found in the well -being of our emotional, mental and physical state and our Planet Earth. Security is something that we should find within and not in materialism alone.

The Earth sign of Taurus represents the very power of creation that enables the bursting forth of nature, giving new life to mother Earth.

We can channel the energies to create greater wealth in our health, finances and environment, honoring the power of nature and Mother Earth.

We are the creators of our own perceived reality. Pluto now stationing retrograde empowers us to take full control of our destiny instead of being a creation of circumstance and fate.

We don’t need to find and follow a path, when we are the path creator.

“Every creative act, however small, enriches our species and the world around us. To find and nurture talent, is to be truly wealthy.” ― Stewart Stafford

Vivienne Micallef-Browne. Photo by Empower Astrology.

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