Venus in Libra, Star point superior conjunction, 22nd of October. Magnificent love!

Venus in Libra, Star point superior conjunction at 29 degrees, 22nd of October. Magnificent love!

Something remarkable is taking place on the 22nd of October, as a magical union and perfect alignment of Venus in her own sign of Libra and the Sun, join together at the exact same degree so that Venus is in “the heart of the Sun”. Healing, purifying and burning away pain and old dysfunctional patterns (perhaps since life times) expanding our heart (chakra) energy. 

This is called a Superior conjunction that forms a Venus star point with the sun, that although takes place every eight years, hasn’t happened in Libra, its own sign while Venus was in direct motion since 1771 ! 

This rare alignment signifies a huge karmic shift for the better in all of our relationships, allowing more love, harmony and abundance into our lives and perhaps the most important gift of all, healing our hearts with self-love. This powerful energy will continue into the Solar Ecplise in Scorpio when Venus moves into Scorpio and aligns exactly together with the Solar eclipse just three days later on the 25th of October.

Its a karmic turning point to heal any issues around lack of self-love and a need to heal and release any painful emotions that we may still hold within our hearts due to past relationships or loved ones lost.

Libra represented by the scales, is all about getting the balance right. We can correct the balance within so that we can bring more peace, harmony and balance into our outer world. 

It’s time to rewrite and reinvent your own Love story.

This superior conjunction (When Venus was direct and at its strongest) last took place in Libra in 1771, after that the regular superior conjunctions and star points in Libra that took place every eight years until 1870, all happened when Venus was in retrograde motion and therefore at her weakest energy (inferior conjunctions). Since then, until now they have taken place in the sign of Scorpio. 

When Venus and the Sun meet in perfect union, astrologers call the condition Cazimi– meaning ‘in the throne’ or ‘in the heart’ of the Sun, it is the most powerful condition for a planet. It is where we collectively enter the heart of the Sun, into the royal throne room. Our emotional consciousness represented by Venus enters a higher state, likened to having conversations with God or your higher self, a once in a lifetime opportunity to heal and raise our vibration.

Cazimi is considered highly fortunate as it means Venus is literally sitting on the throne of the King. This gives her Queenly power and is often described as bestowing pure Love and healing and is also one of the highest forms of good luck.

The royal Sun is planting secrets, and when Venus withdraws from the throne room, a re-birthing process begins. When a planet is invited into the royal chambers, that planet receives a purely elevating infusion of solar energy. Stimulating the response in humanity to express heart consciousness, the quality we call love. Burning away what no longer serves us, wiping the slate clean and renewing our mind, body and spirit.

This is a karmic time for lovers and for perhaps for even finding the “special one”. We can heal and upgrade our karmic relationships to the next level. 

It can also mean letting go and releasing karmic relationships and soul contracts with love, to those who refuse to evolve and stay stuck in their patterns, especially so, as we are just before a hugely transformational solar eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th October.

Personally and collectively its a chance for a complete reset for greater balance, peace and harmony.

We can attract now, what we seek.

As Saturn in Aquarius moves direct on the same day, a balancing out of karma is taking place and many will be elevated into a higher realm on a spiritual and materialistic level, dramatically improving our well being and quality of life.

Its time to be true to our hearts and to let go of all that has been blocking our path to true joy and love.

This is a rare celestial alignment that will benefit everyone no matter what our circumstances maybe.

It seems the heavens are opening up to spread love, light and hope, even in the midst of adversity, shining light where there is darkness.

This is heart opening energy and has the power to melt the protective walls around our hearts to let love and compassion in and heal and let go of the past.

“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.” – Haruki Murakami

Article by Vivienne Micallef-Browne. 

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