Summer Solstice, 21st June 2022. A Celebration of Light.

Summer Solstice, 21st June 2022. A Celebration of Light.

The Sun shines at its brightest, longest and most powerful on the day of the Summer Solstice. The first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky for the year. The days are longer than the nights and a time that throughout history has been a celebration of light, honoring the Sun, the giver of all life and represents a new phase of abundance. 

Our ancestors celebrated this day by building great bonfires to honor the Suns vital power, the immense burning star that keeps our planet alive, warm and bright.

This is a day to celebrate the fire within and without and burn away all that we have outgrown and all that no longer serves us. 

Just as the Sun, we each have an eternal flame of light burning inside of us. We can let that flame burn even brighter now. We can generate and create even more love, joy and passion.

We can tap into the universal and cosmic love that is all around us. By shining our light and love to others, we create and receive even more. And rekindle the simmering, slow-burning flame into an inferno of passion and joy for life.

Our power of attraction is at its strongest when we shine. So shine and attract, what your heart desires. Whether it be love, happiness or good luck. We have the power now, to attract those things into our life.

The Solstice -marks the beginning of Cancer season, the Sun in Cancer is at the critical degree of 0. This critical degree is a reboot, a rebirth, full of fire and passion. It can bring a sudden burning desire to initiate a new beginning in the area of Your life that needs it the most.

Cancer is a sign that teaches us how to be openhearted and the true meaning of love, we can connect with the wellspring, the very source of love and compassion within and without.

On this day we receive a purely elevating infusion of solar energy, stimulating the response in humanity to express heart consciousness, the quality we call love. Burning away what no longer serves us, wiping the slate clean and renewing our mind, body and spirit.

We can refill the well from within and love and nurture ourselves first of all, only then can we shine our light helping to uplift others. We need to indulge ourselves with self-care and recharge our batteries. So if you are feeling burnt out by past events, take time off to do the things that do you good the most.

This particular solstice is under a powerful and beneficial astrological influence that helps to lend us the wings we need to manifest our plans, hopes and dreams, as we have an unusual alignment of five planets all in their own ruler ship sign. Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces. 

Whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, where this day marks the re-birth of the Sun, this energy can reawaken a renewed lust for life, vitality and a sense of aliveness and joy in us all.

“You belong among the wildflowers; you belong in a boat out at sea…You belong with your love on your arm; you belong somewhere you feel free.” ~ Tom Petty

Vivienne Micallef-Browne

Photo/Video by Empower.Astrology.

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