Full Moon in Pisces, 10th September 2022 Wishing on a Star.

Full Moon in Pisces at 17 degrees, 10th September 2022. Wishing on a Star.

The Full Moon in the ethereal sign of Pisces conjunct Neptune, creates pure magic. Its an alignment that can make miracles happen, so wish upon a star at this Full Moon, it has the potential to make dreams come true.

“From my own experience, I want to say that you should follow your heart, and the mind will follow you. Believe in yourself, and you will create miracles.”- K. Satyarthi

Neptune in Pisces helps us to be inspired and envision a bigger, brighter future, by making the most of our gifts and talents. Many mystics, artists and healers have a strong Neptune/Pisces signature in their natal chart. The presence of Neptune signals that our hopes and needs are just within our reach.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

Mercury turns retrograde on the same day as the Full Moon and together with Mars in Gemini in a challenging aspect, we can begin to feel the weight of release, as we leave any unnecessary karmic baggage behind.

Sometimes you don’t realise the weight of something you’ve been carrying until you feel the weight of its release.

This Full Moon possesses the strongest potential for deep regeneration and renewal of mind, body and soul. Deeply transformational and empowering, as Pluto makes a positive aspect, we can connect within and access our inner souls wisdom, power and strength.

It’s time to restore an inner sense of balance and harmony. Reconnect with inner peace and serenity and a renewed sense of purpose.

Let the Love and Peace that dwells within take center stage.

Our state of inner peace affects personal health and well-being as well as the world outside. To counteract the tendencies that sabotage our health, we need to find ways to clear our minds and restore our spirit.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without”.-Buddha

Mercury retrograde helps us to focus within, there is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life, gloriously, joyously, and abundantly.

Neptune represents the path of the Mystic and the Shaman, we delve into the deeper mysteries of life at this Full Moon and re-connect to our souls inner wisdom and intuition.

Its time to move out of heads and into our hearts. Humanity is a dance between two halves of reality: the seen and unseen. The magical, mystery of life can’t be explained by logical thought and science alone. Sometimes, we must know nothing, so that everything can be known.

“There is a desire deep within the soul which drives man from the seen to the unseen, to philosophy and to the divine.” ―Kahil Gibran

Both Pisces and Neptune represent faith and hope, together they can restore our faith and hope in the best that life has to offer.

Fall back in love with life, love and yourself once again.

Uranus and Pluto in positive aspect creates a “Grand Earth trine” and means we will effortlessly be able to flow with the magic of transformation in our lives instead of resisting change, with faith and courage to let the experience unfold. Harnessing change is the most valuable tool available for creating the reality that you desire.

Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of impermanence. – Buddha

Try to consciously let go of resistance and stay open to the gifts of this Full Moon that bring the possibility of unlimited growth, opportunities, more inner peace and boundless love.

“I felt lit up, as if someone had reached into my heart and flipped an inner switch, turning me on, brighter.”–Aspen Matis

Existing relationships can benefit from a magical, romantic and forgiving energy, upgrading all relationships to the next higher level. Releasing and healing relationships, addictions and delusions will be easier to do now, that are no longer serving our highest purpose and good. Enabling us to live from our true authentic self, from a deep soul level. Trusting and moving away from fear. Deep healing will be available to us.

“All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love.”— Leo Tolstoy

This is heart opening energy and has the power to melt the protective walls around our hearts to let love and compassion in and heal and let go of the past.

Neptune in Pisces , reminds us that our soul and true home, is a source of unconditional love, courage and strength, wisdom, happiness and joy.

It can’t be harmed by other people’s opinions or external circumstances. It can’t be harmed by anything.

Your soul and true self, are who you are deep down below all the labels, roles, expectations and social mask. Something that doesn’t change – you are born you, and you will forever be you inherently worthwhile – you are divine energy from the Universe. Your very existence in this world is what makes you beautiful, valuable and amazing.

What feeds and nourishes your soul?

One of the most sensitive and emotional signs, the Moon in Pisces reminds us how important it is, to stay open-hearted and true to our own feelings. To no longer perceive our sensitivity and vulnerability as weakness`s but as strengths. How we need to live our lives based on love, kindness and compassion. And how we can change someone’s life with often just a simple act of kindness.

If everything around you seems dark, look again. You may be the light.” — Rumi

Neptune in Pisces in opposition to the Sun in Virgo gives us the faith we need to believe what we cannot yet see and take a leap of faith. The Moon and Sun in Virgo work to create and manifest it into our reality.

“She took a leap of faith and grew her wings on the way down.”- David Brinkley

The Full Moon in a flowing aspect to the North Node of fate in Taurus, is operating in such a way to support you, helping you to be the fullest expression of who you are. Expect fated synchronizations that help to surround you with people and things to support you and your vision, helping us to manifest our destined life path, talents, potentials, and our purpose.

Manifesting our talents to benefit ourselves and others without the need to be perfect. There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling when you start walking in the gifts and talents you have been given.

The balance between Virgo and Pisces can teach us how to stop living from the ego, and to start loving your true, authentic self. Reconnect to that part of you who intuitively knows where your mind, body and spirit needs healing and which path to take, that will take you to the next evolutionary level of your development. Helping us to reclaim our lost power to heal, see the truth, and fulfill our purpose in life.

Within you is a greater, wiser self that knows no fears, worries, but is infinite and boundless.

The evolutionary intent of Pisces/Neptune is to recognize that we are all one, and therefore, that lack-of-boundary trait can produce the highest kind of spiritual oneness of which we are capable.

Yet at the same time, we need to practice the art of setting healthy boundaries and while our sensitivity and empathy are high, we need to be aware of not subconsciously soaking in negative energies like a sponge which can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and practice and visualise healthy psychic shielding and emotional detox through relaxation, meditation, etc.

Create your own inner sanctuary, a haven where you can relax, rejuvenate and revitalize body and mind.

We need to be able to find within ourselves an inner Safe Haven, peace and sanctuary in the midst of turmoil.

“Remember the entrance to the sanctuary is inside you.” – Rumi

One’s state of inner peace affects personal health and well-being as well as the world outside. To counteract the tendencies that sabotage our health, we need to find ways to clear our minds and restore our spirit.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without”.-Buddha

Dreams and intuition are flowing strongly through Neptune and the Moon in Pisces.

Listen now, to your inner voice and intuition as Neptune and the Moon, exerts a strong magnetic pull to your higher calling and purpose.

The power of envisioning, believing and creating opens the gateway to let miracles in.

Our creative abilities and talents will receive a huge surge of inspiration. It`s a wonderful time to start creative and spiritual projects, which will lead you to new heights in your form of expression helping you to realise your full potential.

The connection to our higher selves and unconditional cosmic love, the knowledge that we are never alone and that separation is an illusion, is the message of Neptune and the Full Moon Pisces.

The all-encompassing and unconditional love that Pisces/Neptune teaches us, dwells within us all and is our Secret Super Power.

Vivienne Micallef-Browne.

Photo by Empower-Astrology.com

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